LTSpice Articles
Collection of articles and tools about LTSpice (Download Link) to support Circuits and Electronics classes. All the examples are done for LTSpice windows version.
Note: Some LTSpice steps or examples might be different for Mac users. If you are a Mac user I have some articles below that might be helpful.
- Introduction (Link)
- Variable Parameters (Link)
- LTSpice commands: step, param, op, tran
- Circuit applications: KCL, KVL, and Max Power Transfer
- Variable Resistor (Link)
- LTSpice commands: step, param, op
- Circuit applications: Voltage Dividers
- External Components/Libraries (Link)
- LTSpice commands: op, tran, inc
- Circuit applications: Op Amp's
- Dependent Current and Voltage Sources (Link)
- LTSpice commands: op
- Circuit applications: Dependent Sources
- Switches (Link)
- LTSpice commands: tran, ic, model, pulse, param
- Circuit applications: RLC Circuits (Transient Analysis), Switching Capacitors, and User Input Buttons
- Phasor Analysis (Link)
- LTSpice commands: ac, inc
- Circuit applications: Phasors Steady State Analysis
- Fourier Series (Link)
- LTSpice commands: tran, four, inc
- Circuit applications: Fourier Series Steady State Analysis
- FFT's (Link)
- LTSpice commands: tran, FFT
- Circuit applications: Spectrum Analysis
Articles on the pipeline
- Waveforms (periodic and non-periodic)
- Average and RMS Values
- Harmonics Distortion
- Oscilloscope Probe Simulation
- Simulation Directives (op, tran, sweep, ac)
- Evaluate User-Defined Electrical Quantities (.meas command)
- Piecewise linear functions (PWL command)
Mac Users Support
- LTSpice: Installing & Configuring LTSpice on Mac OS X
- LTSpice Shortcuts on a Mac
- Alternative -> Run LTSpice with Winebottler on Mac
- LTSpice schematic viewer/converter: Read an LTspice netlist (*.asc) and associated symbol netlists (*.asy), and redraw them in the LTC Marcom format.
- LTSpice Essential Tutorials (Analog Devices)
- LTSpice YouTube Videos (FesZ Electronics YouTube Channel)
Other Articles
- LTSpice Simulation Using WAV Files (All About Circuits)