ENGR Curriculum

The Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science has the following departments and respective majors:

Freshman Year

  • The first 5 quarters all engineering students take the same classes (engineering common curriculum)
  • You are not required to declare your major until the end of your second year - winter quarter
  • If you need more information you can contact academic advisors

University Common Curriculum (UCC) Classes

All DU students need to take UCC classes. However, for engineering students it is only required to take 32 credits:

  • FSEM 1111 - First Year Seminar (4 QH)
  • WRIT 1122 - Academic Writing (4 QH)
  • WRIT 1133 - Writing and Research (4 QH)
  • ASEM 2xxx - Advanced Seminar (4 QH)
  • 2 courses with attributes of Analytical Inquiry (AI): society (8 QH)
  • 2 courses with attributes of Scientific Inquiry (SI): society (8 QH)

Note: all CpE students need to take an additional Math/Sci class to fulfill ABET requirements.

Online Bulletin
Classes Pre-Requisites

Technical Electives

Students are required to take technical electives in order to fulfill the depth requirement of ABET certification. Normally students take their technical electives during senior year.
Please talk with your academic advisor for more information about which classes you can select.
