Vintage Content
Don't let the name foul you. The contents of the videos below are stellar. I believe the reason why the videos do a good job explaining engineering/physics contents is because they are simple.
At that time content creators were limited on the amount of information that they could render on the videos, with that they were forced to represent the essential to convey the necessary information. Absolutely lovely.
- "The creation and Behavior of Radio Waves" (10:47mins)
- "Basic Principles of Frequency Modulation" (29:54mins)
- "Radio Antenna Fundamentals (Part 1)" (26:08mins)
- "Radio Antenna Fundamentals (Part 2)" (15:16mins)
- "Secret Life Of Machines - The Radio" (25:46mins)
- "Antenna Theory Bandwidth" (11:21mins)
Circuits and Electronics
- "Electronics Introduction to LC Oscillators" (19:55mins)
- "Electromagnetic Waves" (20:22mins)
- "Magnetic River" (18:38mins)
- "Motors Big and Small" (19:40mins)
- "The Circle of Magnetism" (19:43mins)
- "The Forces of Induction" (18:06mins)
- "Waves and Vibrations" (20:05mins)
Electric Motors
- "DC Motors and Generatros" (34:11mins)
- "How magnets produce electricity" (3:50mins)
- "How Differential Gear Works" (9:30mins)
Computer Science
- AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System (27:27mins)
I will keep updating this page as I keep finding these gems đŸ™‚