GNURadio Intro
There are several videos and articles online about how to use GNURadio to simulate digital communications protocols and diagrams.
Sometimes, it can be overwhelming to find relevant resources that explain the simulation that you need to validate or to help with your study. Moreover, there is more than one way to get to a result, and it is easy to get confused which method to follow.
This collection of articles aims to help students to connect contents and exercises covered in a digital communication class. Hopefully, it also prepares students to tackle more complex building blocks that they will be using during their professional life.
GNURadio has limitations as any other software radio. Recognizing its strengths and weaknesses is an important skill to develop over time so you can design the right building block for your needs. Throughout the articles, particular weaknesses and strengths for the topic in question will be highlighted.
The articles are separated through topics relevant for digital communications contents. They contain one or several building block examples with the respective explanation. Hopefully, by the end of each article, the student is able to use the concepts on different exercises of the same nature.
At the end of each article, there is a reference section that includes articles or videos used as a reference or as an extended recommended reading.
If you have additional questions or would like to see an article covering a specific topic from digital communications classes, let me know.