Additional Support Videos
Below you can find a list of videos that I use to support my classes. The goal with this list is not to overwhelm students with an endless list of videos that it becomes hard to digest the contents, but rather curate a set of videos that I believe are sufficient to get the concepts explained in a way that flows well with the material that I provide in my classes.
Moreover, each video creator has a different way to explain the same concept. While I support exploring different ways to "look at the mountain", I think it is also important to initially limit the boundaries of the amount of resources used to learn a concept. After digesting a certain set of curated videos, I believe the student is then ready to search for other videos, and watch them with a critical and awareness mindset.
Last note, each instructor/professor/educator/youtuber will have their own list of videos that are different from this one. What I think is important, from an educator perspective, is to select the videos that align and flow well with the contents that you deliver in a class setting (virtually or in person).
Mathematics / Physics
- "Pade' Approximants", Dr. Will Wood YouTube Channel (6:47mins)
- "What is the Riemann Hypothesis REALLY about?", Hexagon Videos YouTube Channel (28.32mins)
- "Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics", Physics with Elliot YouTube Channel (18:32mins)
- "But why wavefunctions? A Practical Approach to Quantum Mechanics", Physics with Elliot YouTube Channel (22:38mins)
- "The Four Fundamental Forces of nature - Origin and Function", Arvin Ash YouTube Channel (13:47mins)
- "Why & How do the 4 Fundamental Forces of Nature Work", Arvin Ash YouTube Channel (15:32mins)
- "Are Photons & Electrons Particles or Waves", Arvin Ash YouTube Channel (14:44mins)
Differential Equations
- "Physics Students Need to Know These 5 Methods for Differential Equations", Physics with Elliot YouTube Channel (30:35mins)
Circuits and Electronics
- "Handling Unused Operational Amplifiers", Lantertronics YouTube Channel (3:17mins)
- "Circuit Analysis Secrets: Superposition with Dependent Sources", Lantertronics YouTube Channel (7:34mins)
- "Why It was almost impossible to make the Blue LED", Veritassium YouTube Channel (33:44mins)
- "Negative Resistor", harvardphysics YouTube Channel (5:20mins)
Maxwell’s Equations
- "Divergence and curl: The language of Maxwell's equations, fluid flow, and more", 3Blue1Brown YouTube Channel (15:41mins)
Transmission Lines
- "Why doesn't a 75 ohm cable measures 75 ohms?", Electromagnetic Videos YouTube Channel (21:31mins)
- "How the First Transatlantic Submarine Cable in 1858 led to Transmission Line Theory as we know it", Visual Electric YouTube Channel (12:24mins)
Microprocessors / Embedded Systems
C Programming
- "C Programming Tutorials", Portfolio Courses (YouTube Channel)
- "C Programming Examples", Portfolio Courses (YouTube Channel)
Embedded C Programming
- "Embedded C Programming Style: Playlist", Mutex Embedded (YouTube Channel)
PCB Design
- "PCB Design: Playlist", Phil's Lab (YouTube Channel)
- "Everything You Need to Know About Control Theory", MatLab (YouTube Channel)
- "Semiconductor "Course": Playlist", Asianometry (YouTube Channel)
Music Electronics
Guitar Pedals - Arito Suzuki YouTube Channel
I will keep updating this page as I keep finding these gems 🙂