Reference Book

R. Jacob Baker
"CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation"
(IEEE Press Series on Microelectronic Systems)
4th Edition, Wiley, 2019


Course Software

  • Electric: computer-aided design system for electrical circuits. It is primarily intended for integrated-circuit layout, but it also handles schematics and even textual hardware description languages
  • LTSpice: high performance SPICE simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for easing the simulation of analog circuits.

Course Goals

  • Design of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) systems.
  • Examination of layout and simulation of digital VLSI circuits using a comprehensive set of CAD tools in a laboratory setting.
  • Studies of layouts of CMOS combinational and sequential circuits using automatic layout generators.
  • Fundamental structures of the layout of registers, adders, decoders, ROM, PLA's, counters, RAM and ALU.
  • Application of statistics and probability to chip performance.
  • Use CAD tools to perform logic verification and timing simulation of the circuits designed.

Course Modules

Module 1 - Introduction

Module 2 - Circuits and Layouts

Module 3 - The Well

Module 4 - The Metal Layers

Module 5 - The Active and Poly Layers

Module 6 - The Inverter

Module 7 - Static Logic Gates

Module 8 - Special Purpose Circuits

Module 9 - Physical Design