Reference Books
“Beginning C for Arduino”, 2nd Edition
by Jack Purdum (ISBN-13: 978-1-4842-0941-7)

"Programmable Microcontrollers – Applications on the MSP432 Launchpad", 1st Edition, 2018
by Cem Unsalan, H. Deniz Gurhan, and M. Erkin Yucel

“Embedded Systems: A Contemporary Design Tool”, 2nd Edition
by James K. Peckol (ISBN-13: 978-1119457503)

Course Goals
- Introduction to microprocessors and to the design and operation of computer systems.
- A study of the microprocessor and its basic support components.
- Analysis of CPU architectures of modern computers.
- Basics of assembly language programming.
- Use of an assembler and other development tools for programming and developing microprocessor-based systems
- Arduino Uno
- Teensy 4.1
Online Tools
- GitHub: to upload files for review and backups