Circuits 1
Reference Material
Charles Alexander, and Matthew Sadiku
“Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2017
(Prior or more recent versions of this book are also acceptable)

(4th Edition Free Link)
(5th Edition Free)
(Spanish Version Link)
Tim Hanshaw
“Real Analog: An Introduction to Electrical Circuits”

Roland E. Thomas, Albert J. Rosa, and Gregory J. Toussaint
“The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits”, Wiley, 7th Edition, 2012
(Prior or more recent versions of this book are also acceptable)

Course Goals
- An introduction to electrical circuit analysis, design and evaluation.
- Emphasis on definitions of basic variables, passive circuit components and the ideal operational amplifier.
- DC analysis of circuits and dc circuit theorems are stressed.
- AC signals are introduced.
- Computer analysis software integrated throughout the course.
Interactive EE Circuits Curriculum Structure (Link)
Course Modules
Module 1 - Basic Concepts
- Charge and Current
- DC vs AC
- Voltage
- Power and Energy
- Circuit Elements
Module 2 - Basic Laws
- Ohm's Law
- Nodes, Branches, and Loops
- Kirchhoff's Law (KCL and KVL)
- Series Resistors and Voltage Division
- Parallel Resistors and Current Division
- Applications
- Multimeters
- Wire Resistance
- Current Direction (Interactive Link)
Module 3 - Methods of Analysis
Module 4 - Circuit Theorems
- Linearity Property
- Superposition
- Source Transformation
- Thevenin's Theorem
- Norton's Theorem
- Maximum Power Transfer
Module 5 - Operational Amplifiers
- Operational Amplifier
- Ideal Op Amp
- Inverting Amplifier
- Non Inverting Amplifier
- Summing Amplifier
- Difference Amplifier
- Cascade Op Amp Circuits
- Applications
- Digital to Analog Converter
- Instrumentation Amplifiers
Module 6 - Capacitors and Inductors
- Capacitors
- Series and Parallel Capacitors
- Inductors
- Series and Parallel Inductors