uP 1 ThermoPro Shield
uP 1 ThermoPro Shield
✔️ Introduction
The main goal with this project is to introduce students that are learning microprocessors for the first time to the design of an Arduino Uno shield, where they can implement embedded systems concepts such as interrupt routines, timers, mixed signals and digital communications.
✔️ Design Stage
This time we will be reverse engineering and designing the ThermoPro TP19H Digital Meat Thermometer.

Some features of this device:
- Auto-rotating backlit display
- Motion sensing sleep/wake
- Waterproof
- 3-4 seconds ultra fast response with highly accurate to +/- 0.9 ºF
- Lock and calibration
General Block Diagram:

✔️ PCB Design
✔️ Assemble Stage
The boards were manufactured by PCBWay

Assembled in house.

Quick Note: during the design stage I forgot to include the pull up resistor for the DS18B20 temperature sensor. Schematics and layout were fixed and all files under the GitHub repository have this issue fixed.

🔧 Testing Stage
This section presents the code for two tests that students can upload on the shield to see if everything was soldered properly.
✔️ GitHub Repository
✔️ References